Say it here (TM)
Say It Here® is the trademarked slogan of CSUSA and its members. The Crime Stoppers network remains one of the safest and secure ways to report crime anonymously. The public’s knowledge about criminal activity has increased substantially during the last four decades as improved telecommunications, popular crime-related documentaries and the internet enabled citizens with unparalleled insight. This, coupled with terrorism attacks on US soil and the awareness of other violent crimes, led to a proliferation of crime tip lines locally and nationally.
As the largest and most-used tips organization in the US, CSUSA recognized the need to develop a unique slogan that citizens can confidently recall when ready to report. The Say It Here®slogan represents the confidence Crime Stoppers has established between the public, the media and law enforcement in an easy-to-remember way. Say It Here®is the easiest and fastest way to safely report crime anonymously.